It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words but how many pictures is a word worth?
Burgeoning photographic artist, Lee, explores this parallax view through the lens of his mind with the help of his camera. He hopes you see what you like and like what you see.
All photos on the site are available for addition to or establishment of your art collection. They are suitable for home, office, business and gifts. If you are interested in purchasing a specific photo, click on the "add to cart" near the top left of any piece you select for viewing. A series of prompts will carry you through the rest of the process and will result in you receiving your selection in just a few days. Please contact me via email for a discount code. Please also contact me to inquire about portraiture, commissioned work and signed pieces.
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Thank you for stopping by my humble home on the web. May the Lord continue to bless you and yours.
© Visual Poetry Photography